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Drawing Portfolio 2021-2022

Geometric Still Life, In Class Week 2

Homework 2 Week 2

Homework 1 Week 2

Spherical Still Life, In Class

Spherical Still Life, Homework

Cubic and Rectangular Still Life, In Class

Cubic and Rectangular Still Life, Homework Week 4

Conical and Cylindrical Still Life, In Class

Conical and Cylindrical Homework, Week 5

Continuous Line Drawing, In Class

Rhythm Drawing, In Class

Complex Shape, In Class

Drapery, In Class

Drapery, Homework

Project 1, A Complex Still Life

Metal and Glass, In Class

Homework Metal & Homework Glass

Homework Week 9, Four Quick Sketches

Drawing Exercise: Scribble Line Landscape, In Class

Placement, In Class

Masters Drawing, Homework Week 10

Project 1: Portrait

Project 2: Strong Emotion Collage

Project 3: Narrative Drawing
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